Yuzhu is delicious and sweet, and is most suitable for nourishing “Yin” and spleen. It can become soup, brewed tea, porridge or cooked. It can nourish “Yin” and moisten the lungs, nourish the stomach, relieve trouble, quench the thirst, and can also treat fever, sorrow, cough, polydipsia, fatigue, fever, hunger, urination, dizziness, dizziness, internal heat, thirst.
At the same time, Yuzhu also has anti-aging, moistening and moistening lungs, calming nerves, strengthening heart, lowering blood fat, lowering blood sugar, treating fire, treating chronic gastritis, treating emphysema, skin care, improving sleep quality, eliminating dark spots, and supplementing The brain supplements the vital energy, prevents the old eyes from fading, and enhances the body's immunity.